Sunday, July 29, 2007

Friday, July 27

Our last full day in London and we tubed it back to the Blackfriars area where the Globe Theatre is located. Destination: Tate Modern Museum.

We walked across the Millenium Bridge,
taking us over the Thames River,

with these spectacular views
of the London skyline.

What an amazing collection of works by Picasso, Rodin, Jackson Pollock, Roy Lichtenstein, Rothko, and Giacometti sculptures.

I snapped this fun Lichtenstein over Michael's shoulder and later heard a guard tell
someone there was no photography allowed.

From there we walked over to the Museum of London to get a wonderful perspective of history, going back 250,000 years. Michael really wanted to see the exhibit on the Great Fire of 1666 and we were all amazed at the artifacts. Another free museum that you must see on your own trip to London.

Funny tidbits related to the Avonmore Hotel maid: Michael needed to get back in our room and I had the key so our English-challenged maid let him in. After getting what he needed, he said "Thank you," and she responded "Please."

We decided that our heavy load of British coins would make a nice tip for the maid so Grace looked up how to say Thank You in Polish on the Internet. We really hope we copied down "Dziękują" correctly on the note we left with the stacks of coins or at least we hope it didn't translate into some unintended insult.

We're home now and hope you enjoyed our London blog. It's been a trip we won't forget. Thanks for coming along!

1 comment:

Fashion Cappuccino said...

London is a place where I want to visit the most! Thank you for sharing your trip! xoxoxoo